07.04.2020 | 5min
Social distancing, self-isolating, staying at home—no matter where you are in the world, it’s likely you’re doing one of these things. Losing your routine and being confined to the house can be challenging. But we’re staying positive and keeping our spirits up by appreciating the little things.
Here are some small snippets of joy the TransferGo team have discovered during lockdown.
Staying connected
Despite physically distancing ourselves to limit the coronavirus spread, we’ve never been closer together. At work and in our social lives, we’re using apps like Zoom, HouseParty and FaceTime to stay connected to friends and family. In March alone, we sent almost 300,000 Slack messages to each other. And when the official UK lockdown kicked in, we kicked off regular virtual coffee breaks and Beer Friday catch-ups.
Elif, our executive assistant, misses leaving home for the office. But instead, she’s made use of the lockdown by reconnecting with old friends and reaching out to OAP neighbours. Meanwhile Gedmina, our financial controller says, “I’ve realised that I need to spend more time with my loved ones. It’s as simple as that.”
On that note…
Putting our family first
Those of us with children have been sharing pictures of our kids being typically crazy at home. Our CGO Gareth has been playing lego with his kids and wife, while our copywriter Nadim shared a photograph of his broken window. We’ll let you connect the dots on that one.
Orhan, our account development manager has been learning about what it really means to be a father. “And the value of things I used to complain about.” And Francesco, our CCO, has been sharing pictures of his adorable newborn, Giovanni.
And since many of us at TransferGo are die-hard dog lovers, we’ve launched a biweekly AllPaws meeting. During these sessions, the dog owners amongst us connect online and introduce our pups. “Taking some time to cuddle with the dog” is also a small snippet of joy that Karolis, our business analyst is appreciating.
Finally getting round to doing X,Y,Z
With all this extra time on our hands, now’s the perfect time to finally work on our long-neglected bucket lists. Our copywriter Fran is looking forward to finally being able to read her dad’s novel. As soon as she revealed this, there were many of us desperate to find out more. (For those curious, it’s a political thriller that’s also about climate change). Fran’s also learning Romanian and teaching herself how to do press-ups.
Jennifer, our social media copywriter has been creating a gallery wall, whilst finally getting round to reading her bucket-list novels. Meanwhile Anna, our CS Team Lead, has been spring cleaning by clearing out the wardrobe and balcony.
Appreciating the little things, outdoors
For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring has officially sprung. It’s therefore been the perfect time to make our 2020 garden debut (for those of us lucky enough to have one).
Fran has got over her fear of gardening and has planted some wildflower seeds, whilst many of us are working out, outdoors. Going for a daily run or brisk walk outside has brought a lot of joy to many of us. Plus, it helps us to burn off some of those extra calories. Which brings us onto our next section…
Cooking away a storm
Food, food, glorious food. When the restaurants are shut, our recipe books come a-calling. Julia, our growth marketing manager, has been cooking and baking for her family and Elif has discovered old jelly moulds. Meanwhile Dan, our banking and infrastructure director, has been making fresh pasta. “Easy and tasty”, apparently.
May, our marketing assistant, has discovered one-pot recipes. These aren’t only tasty but also have the benefit of not leaving piles of dishes to wash after every meal. She’s also discovered how easy it is to make Asian milk tea at home. “Take an English tea bag and add some milk and 2 teaspoons of condensed milk. I’ve been drinking it every day since lockdown.”
Finally, Nadim sums up many of life’s pleasures up perfectly. “Whatever the task, I’ve found that not having a choice has made me a lot happier!”
And, if you want to send money from home during lockdown, we’re here to help. Sign up today for easy online money transfers.
TransferGo is here to make your life easier. Whether you’re paying bills, supporting family, helping businesses or dealing with emergencies—we want you to be able to make fast, low-cost money transfers safely and securely. We want to make a tangible difference to your lives, reward your hard work, and help every one of you become more prosperous. How? By making global money transfers as simple as sending a text.