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New Year Tips: 5 easy ways to make 2025 your best year yet

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Over the last few years, it’s fair to say we’ve encountered many difficulties: Covid-19, the war in Ukraine, the cost of living crisis—the list goes on. But with the help of our New Year tips, there are ways to make dark times and difficult moments that little bit easier.

Here are 5 easy ways to make 2025 your best year yet. 

Manage your expectations

If there’s one thing negative world events can teach us it’s that life can be unpredictable. Also, it’s impossible to prepare for worst-case scenarios. The truth is we don’t know what will happen next year, next month or even tomorrow. But if we can stay present, live in the moment and appreciate the now as much as possible, life can feel a little easier. 

By being more flexible and open to life not going to plan, we can all become a little bit more adaptable and resilient. It’s also worth remembering that no matter how hard life gets, we’re all equipped to deal with anything (yes, even the unspeakably bad stuff).

Step outside

Fact: The outdoors is good for our mental health. Research has found that being outdoors makes us happier with nature lowering our blood pressure, reducing stress and improving our focus and mood. Anxiety, depression and anger are also notably lower in those who regularly spend time outdoors.

Next time you feel like life is getting on top of you, take a breather and step outside. Even just a 20-minute daily walk can do you the world of good, stretching your legs and clearing your head.

Limit your screen time

Checking your phone all the time is a huge distraction and takes you away from the present. If this rings a bell, it’s time to rethink your mobile phone habits. Next time you go to pick up your phone, pause to think about why you’re doing this right now. Is it to perform an important task or will you likely scroll mindlessly? If it’s the latter, put your phone away. 

Other ways to help you reduce your screen time include deleting distracting apps, pausing your notifications and leaving your phone in your bag when at work, home or school. It’s also worth resisting using your phone in bed—the screen’s blue light can really disrupt your sleep-wake cycle.

Ditch the New Year’s resolutions

Setting yourself huge New Year’s resolutions can be daunting and ultimately, they often lead to failure. Instead, set realistic weekly targets that tie into what you want to achieve. For example, if you wish to be more organised, make it your mission to do one thing a week that helps you achieve this. This could be as simple as clearing out a drawer, writing a shopping list or keeping on top of general household chores. 

If you set yourself realistic weekly goals instead of huge annual ambitions, you’re more likely to accomplish your goal. And if you accomplish one goal then you’re more likely to accomplish more goals. Success breeds success, after all.

Switch your focus onto other people

If you spend a lot of time worrying about your own problems, try to turn your thinking outwards. After all, it really is true that helping other people makes you feel good. It also doesn’t take much effort.

Helping people is not only good for the soul and everyone involved but it’s contagious, too. Once you get into the habit of carrying out good deeds, you’ll soon find yourself doing it on a daily basis. Easy examples of good deeds you can do in everyday life include opening the door for people, buying a coffee for a homeless person or picking up litter from the pavement. 


Looking for other ways to make 2025 your best year yet? In addition to the New Year tips above, you can also choose TransferGo when sending money. Sign up today for easy, fast and low-cost money transfers.

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TransferGo is here to make your life easier. Whether you’re paying bills, supporting family, helping businesses or dealing with emergencies—we want you to be able to make fast, low-cost money transfers safely and securely. We want to make a tangible difference to your lives, reward your hard work, and help every one of you become more prosperous. How? By making global money transfers as simple as sending a text.

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